Introducing our new Amethyst & Tobacco Bay Leaf Body Soap

I was first introduced to crystals in my late 20s by a British colleague with a thick Yorkshire accent.  One day, she was rifling through her pockets for change to feed the parking meter and between the dimes and quarters I noticed a bright orange rock. “What’s that?” I asked.  “That’s a crystal,” she told me, “What, you’ve never seen a crystal before?”  She told me about a fantastic little crystal shop she used to go to back in England, and how different crystals have their own unique properties and energy.  She told me about a friend of hers who would perform crystal/reiki healing sessions with her every month or so. 

Her enthusiasm and the way she lit up while talking about it was contagious.  I wanted to learn more.

Within a week, we found a local crystal shop and concocted a plan.  We both took our lunch break at the same time and raced out of the building.  We drove as fast as we could to the shop and double parked along the street.  I was amazed by all the beautiful stones and crystals. 

I learned that there was a whole ritual to choosing a stone.  In fact, you do not choose your stones. Oh, no. you let the stone choose you!  I would take a stone in my hand and see if I leaned forward meaning “yes” or backwards meaning “no”.  Once my stones chose me, it was time to find out their meaning.  I only bought two crystals that day, an amethyst and a moon stone, small enough to put in my back pocket or bra. When I learned about their properties, I was amazed that they aligned so closely with what was going on in my life and within me. 

It was like magic and I have been hooked ever since.

So, do crystals and stones have magical powers?  In a way I would say they do.  Why not?  If the earth can create such natural beauty, that’s magic in itself, why not crystals, too?  When I hold onto a rose quarts, it reminds me to say loving affirmations to myself.  When I’m wearing a black tourmaline, it reminds me to stay away from negativity and watch my surroundings. So I guess you can say it’s working. My belief is that everything holds vibrations; everything is energy. The properties of the crystals you work with do not grant you any magical powers, but enhance the powers you already have within you.  They remind you of who you are and where you want to be.  Remember that what you seek is already within you and has been the whole time.

So, let’s start with amethyst, the crystal that inspired my soap.  Amethyst is known for being an all-purpose stone. It helps to relieve stress, headaches and anxiety.  It also dispels rage and helps manage fear.  Amethyst can aid in cell regeneration, thereby supporting your bones, joints and skin.  Keeping a piece of amethyst on your bed side table or under your pillow can improve sleep habits and fight insomnia.

While nourishing your skin with its creamy lather, this wonderful soap will not only clean your body but will also cleanse your aura.  It will leave your skin feeling soothed, moisturized, and smelling great with a tobacco and bay leaf scent that will make you feel cleansed and purified.


My soap & salve making process


Fire Cider